Ads Permission

Would you like to see ads on MixtapeHustler? Ads help us keep the platform running smoothly by supporting the tools, resources, and services we offer to help artists like you grow and succeed. By allowing ads, you’re helping us invest back into the community. If you prefer an ad-free experience, just let us know! Your support means everything to us, and we want to make this platform the best it can be for you.

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Your support means a lot to us, and by enabling popups, you help us create more opportunities for everyone. Thank you! 🎶💥

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Thank you for your interest in our music platform and your commitment to sharing your talent with our community. We are writing to inform you about the requirements and opportunities related to uploading, accessing royalty-free music, completing the onboarding process, and benefiting from the MTH (Mixtape Hustler) royalties for your compositions.

Ownership and Creation: When uploading music to our platform, it is crucial that you are the rightful owner or have obtained proper authorization from the original creators. By submitting your music, you confirm that you own the rights to the content or have explicit permission to share the content on our platform.

Download and Distribution Rights: Users of our platform have the freedom to download and distribute royalty-free music. As an artist, you must ensure that you grant users of our platform the right to download and distribute your compositions freely. By sharing your music, you confirm that you have the necessary permissions and licenses in place to allow others to download and distribute your work without any legal restrictions.

Onboarding Process: To ensure the best possible experience for our users, we require all artists to complete the onboarding process. This process helps us verify ownership rights, gather necessary information for accurate metadata, and enhance discoverability for your compositions. We appreciate your cooperation and prompt completion of the onboarding steps. please complete onboarding [get VIP Pass subscription]

VIP Pass and MTH Royalties: As part of our platform's offerings, we have introduced a 30-day VIP Pass, designed to provide enhanced benefits to our artists. By subscribing to the VIP Pass, you gain access to premium features, increased visibility for your music, and eligibility to receive MTH royalties. These royalties are distributed based on the usage and popularity of your compositions within our community.

To enjoy the VIP benefits and MTH royalties, please sign up for the 30-day VIP Pass by visiting [get VIP Pass subscription]. Upon successful payment, you will gain immediate access to the VIP features and become eligible for MTH royalties.

We believe that your music deserves recognition and rewards, and we are dedicated to supporting your creative journey. The VIP Pass and MTH royalties program are our way of showing appreciation for your talent and commitment to our community.

If you have any questions or require assistance during the onboarding process or VIP Pass subscription, our team is here to help. Please reach out to us at [contact information] for prompt support.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to witnessing your music flourish on our platform and sharing in the success of your artistic endeavors.

Best regards